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Writer's pictureKerry Keller

Inside the Mind of Knox: Bonus Scene from the Road to Redemption

Updated: Nov 23, 2023

You asked and I listened. After Road to Redemption first released, I was busy trying to get Road to Chaos out as fast as possible. As a reader myself, I know how hard it is to be patient when you're dying for the next installment. So, I did want anyone else would do in my position... stall. 😅

I asked what else I could do to please you while you cursed me under your breath and you demanded special scenes. So, polls were created in my Facebook Reader group and I created two short snippets for you. The best way for me to send them out at the time were to post them in the group and send them out through my newsletter.

Thankfully, I finally got around to making this website (yes, I should have done this first... I'm human... I make mistakes) so now you will get more behind the scenes and updates here on my website. Hopefully, you'll enjoy what I bring to you.

So, if you haven't read Road to Redemption (the first book of Purgatory Prep Academy) this is your warning.... this will contain spoilers!!!

This scene takes place as KNOX and after chapter 37-Do Shifters Shit in the Woods or Just on me?

***This scene is unedited and subject to change. All rights reserved**

You would think I would be sitting on cloud nine after the performance I just gave for Professor Girdwoods class, but instead, I feel like I’m suffocating.

“Knox, that was amazing.”

“Can I have your number?”

“That will teach her.”

Waving them off with a small smile, or more like a grimace, I push myself through the crowd and out of Familiar’s class. I know my little stunt will spread like wildfire and by the look on some of the supes in the hall, it’s already started.

Shit. I need to get out of here.

I need a run or something. Taking the first exit out of the building, something catches my eye out by the woods. Bringing my wolf up, I catch a glimpse of the ‘human’ running into the woods and my wolf starts whining, wanting to go run after her.

Well, that nixes the idea of going for a run as my wolf. The sneaky bastard would probably stalk her and just make things worse. Seeing us is probably the last thing she would want to do right now. Since running is out of the question I might as well go for a walk along the beach.

As I walk, I let my mind wander back to what happened in Familiar’s class. The ‘human’, no I guess I should call her Nerezza, is more than a human if she has a Familiar that can shapeshift. Not to mention they can communicate. Or maybe I just got knocked in the head too hard during the last blood fight and the effects are finally showing.

Sitting down on some driftwood, I take off my shoes and dig my toes into the cool wet sand. I’ve played dozens of pranks on people at school, guys, girls, and teachers. Noone’s omitted from them. Granted, it was normally Zeke that initiated them but since he’s my best friend I happily join. So why does this feel so different? Urgh! Running my fingers through my hair, I pull at the short strands as I lean on my knees and take in the waves lapping at my feet. What is it about this girl that makes me feel like shit all of a sudden?

Maybe it’s because of how she looked when she realized it was just a prank. She didn’t just look hurt, or angry like most supes would. She looked devastated like I had taken the last of her hope and shredded it beyond recognition. Did I take things too far?

Picking up a few seashells that wash up with the surf, I fling them back into the ocean absentmindedly. Zeke is crazy about this girl. She has Ryker’s jeans twisted up in knots and then there’s Levi…

I’m not sure how to explain him. He seems happier. Almost like he’s lightened up somewhat. One thing’s for sure, everything seems to be centered around Nerezza. I feel like I should apologize to her. I feel like I’ve been doped. I was led to believe she was malicious and she was out to get Emer and cause havoc but I didn’t pick that up from her at all. Plus my wolf would have been able to smell her intent if she was to harm me.

I feel like a jackass for treating her that way and I need to make things right. The only question is, how?



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