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Writer's pictureKerry Keller

Exploring the Unseen World of Lynx's Smexy Talk: Bonus Scene Revealed

If you've read any books from the Purgatory Prep Series you have met our horny fur-ball, Lynx. We all love him and just can't get enough, so of course, we will take whatever we can get of it. Lynx has mentioned receiving "the talk" from Jillian, Rez's mother, and readers have voted for the bonus scene.

So please keep in mind, this is **unedited, subject to change. All rights reserved**

What did you do now, Lynx?” Rez tosses me a scathing look as she plops down onto the sofa. The only response I can give is another shrug as I join her. We had been playing outside with the tire swing before Jillian called us in and told us to wait in the study. We’re normally only summoned into the study when we’re in trouble, so it’s only fair that Rez should assume we did something. Letting out a drawn-out breath, I place my hand on her knee to stop the bouncing. But how in the hell is this my fault? I have done nothing ‘bad’ in the past twenty-four hours.

“Oh, really?” Rezzi-bear snaps, catching on to my thoughts. “So you weren’t the one that put Mentos in mom’s soda and left it in the fridge overnight?” Her tone is mocking as she crosses her bare arms over her chest.

“How was I supposed to realize it would blow up the fridge and ruin our Thanksgiving dinner?” I retort, allowing my eyes to travel down, finally settling on Rezzi’s chest. They look like little pillows, and I wonder if they’re as soft as they look.

“Lynx! My eyes are up here,” she says, waving her hand in front of my face, breaking the staring contest I was winning. The nerve of her. “Ugh. Those videos are all over the internet, so how could you not know?”

“Jesus-tap-dancing-Christ, Rezzi. I thought they were macadamia nuts. I wanted to do that Coca-Cola challenge thing where you put nuts in the drink and it supposedly tastes amazing,” I say, throwing my hands up in the air before rolling my eyes and letting my head fall back against the sofa.

“Lynx!” she groans on an exasperated sigh. The sofa softly creaks as she shifts beside me. “You’re supposed to use peanuts for that.”

Before I can reply, Jillian walks in, gaining my attention as she goes to the closet, pulling out her projector. Oh, great! A lecture. Kill me already.

‘Same.’ Rezzie replies.

Jillian is old school and enjoys using things from the past. Honestly, she is only a notch up from carving pictures into the walls to communicate. But I have to respect her to some extent. She might have denied me with the ball gag, but at least she didn’t deny Rezzi and me from dating. That was definitely the best day of my life when she reached down, entwined our fingers together, and said, ‘yes.’

‘Well, the good news is that this conversation can’t be about the destroyed fridge. Nothing could be worse than sitting through that lecture,’ I comment, perking up and grabbing hold of Rez before I pull her to my side. She snuggles into me as we both look at Jillian as she stands up from plugging in her ancient teaching method. She glances at our position and flicks on the light, projecting the words ‘SEX ED’ on the wall.

You’re wrong. It could be worse,’ Rez moans.

While she moans and covers her eyes, I jump off the couch and do a fist pump!

“YES!” I shout and do a little shimmy right there, shaking my ass. I might have added in a few hip thrusts for good measure until Jillian clears her throat, signaling for me to shut the fuck up.

“Are you serious?” Rez hisses at me as her face turns as red as a tomato. She’s so cute when she blushes.

“What?” I say innocently, sitting back down. “We finally get to learn about sex.” I shrug and plaster a gigantic smile on my face to study Jillian’s look of annoyance. I’m beyond excited to learn how to use this human body. Normally, I would have asked dad about it years ago but since I’m here with Rez and humans are slow as snails, I have to follow their pace. Thank God, we can talk about the good stuff now. Adrenaline pumps through my body and all I can do to stay still is to fidget and shuffle my feet like a psychotic bumper car.

Swiveling my head back and forth between Rez and Jillian, I throw out my questions. “So, what are you going to teach us? Sexual positions? Nail hygiene for anal? What is Anal anyway? Bobby Thrasher said to make sure your partner has short nails, so you cut nothing important. He said he had to learn it the hard way. Rez, let me see your nails?” I grab for her hand, but she yanks it back to her chest like I was a rabid animal. Rolling my eyes at her crazy antics, I continue in rapid succession. “How about the best lube for when you run out? OH! How about how not to get caught in public. That would be useful!”

Jillian firmly covers my mouth with one hand and holds the back of my head with the other, locking me in place. Her eyes are about to fall out of her head with how big they are. She must be excited.

“Lynx? I love you to death, but it’s not that type of sex talk,” she announces, and my heart plummets.

Then what kind is it?’ I ask, knowing that Rez will at least forward my message. Or she better, if she doesn’t want me to tickle her to death.

“It’s the kind you need to hear since I had a patient that was 13 years old come into the clinic, pregnant and with an STD last night,” Jillian answers my unknowing question, saving Rez from asking and a tickle fight later.

“Mom! We’re not having sex,” Rez shrieks, as her eyes go wide and a pink blush covers her from head to toe. Jillian releases my mouth and I’m about to spurt out a comment when she throws me ‘you’re playing with fire look,’ and I promptly shut my trap.

“Oh, believe me, sweetie. I know! But it’s never too soon to teach you the ways of the body and how to use it properly,” she says, laying up another slide. It’s a diagram of the female reproductive system with a cross-section of the anatomy.

“Ahh. Fuck me!” I groan.

“Not in this house,” Jillian chuckles, obviously hearing my slip up before continuing to teach me the ways of Rez’s body. It takes all the willpower I can muster to keep my mouth shut. I even bite my tongue to keep from looking at Rezzi and asking if that’s true when Jillian mentions a clitoris and how to find it. Fuck it!

‘Is it true? Do you really have over 8,000 nerve endings there?’ I ask Rezzi-bear.

How the hell should I know? Did you just catch the part where I should explore my body to understand how it works? How freaking embarrassing is this?’ She replies, and I chuckle.

‘Told you so. I play with mine all the time. Especially after a shower. Did you know I can make mine fly around like a propeller?’

‘Oh my God, Lynx. I did NOT need to know that.’ she shrieks.

“Are you two paying attention?” Jillian asks, bringing both of our attention back to her. On the projector is a cross-section human ‘penis’ but it looks different from mine.

“That can’t be right. Mine is different,” I speak up.

“How?” Rez gives me a curious look. I’m so tempted to pull out my cock so she can see what I’m talking about when Jillian must read the intention on my face.

“Lynx, don’t do it.” She growls out.

Rolling my eyes, I blurt out, pointing to the picture. “Well, that’s a human penis, not a shiftAhh!” I gasp as my breath leaves me. Struggling to suck in a breath, I break out into a coughing fit that makes my eyes water.

“Lynx!” Rez yells and shoots up off the couch to crouch before me, trying to help me from the unknown sorcery plaguing my ass. “Are you okay? What’s wrong?” she asks, looking over my heaving body while I send Jillian an accusing look.

She quirks an eyebrow back at me as if to say, “I told you so,” crossing her arms over her chest as she watches me die on her watch. What kind of nurse is she to watch a poor defenseless boy… shifter... whatever… just die!?!?

“Mom! Help!” Rez yells, making Jillian sashay towards us.

“Lynx, now listen to me,” she says, running her fingers down my back. “I need you to take in a few long deep breaths and focus only on that,” she coaxes. Anyone else would take it as a soothing motion to get me to relax, but I know better. She’s countering the gag order so I can at least breathe. She writes the symbols on my back to release me from the pain. If she would just undo the entire fucking thing, it would make my life easier.

“There. There. You should be feeling better in a few minutes. It seems Sex Ed is done for the day,” she coos, backing away from me. “Once you’ve calmed down, come join me in the kitchen for some tea with honey, Lynx. It should help with that nasty cough,” her authoritative tone rings out, leaving no room for argument as she walks out.

“Are you okay?” Rez asks, staring up into my eyes. Hers are glassy like she’s holding back tears.

“Yeah,” my hoarse voice squeaks out. “I will be.” I smile down at her and run my thumb along her cheek. She has the biggest heart I know and I’m lucky she’s allowed me into it.

She leans up to plant a sweet and gentle kiss on my lips, and I swear I see the brightness of the sun in those few seconds.

“Now, go get some tea to help with your throat. I have to go check on the fox that’s healing,” she says, giving me a kiss on the cheek.



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